XML to SQL converter

Simple program written in c that reads a XML file and convert
it to SQL, i mean CREATE and INSERT queries. Still in alpha version
so don't get it serious.

Vless to V2ray config

It's just a simple script that get a file contain vless url and output it's v2ray json config.

Download: vless2json.sh v0.2
update: There was a bug in the v0.1 so don't use that.


trurl: it's an amazing program by the author of curl(daniel stenberg)
for manipulating urls. check out his website.
It's in the archlinux repository, also you can install it manually
from the source.

dash: a minimal shell with bash like syntax, also in the arch repository.


Just pass your file that contains the url to the script then write the output
to some file with json extension using the '>'. The default protocol and port are
same as the Nekoray(http, 2081), you can change it easily by editing the script.
$ dash vless2json.sh vless.txt > config-1.json
Of course you need the v2ray program, as always you can find it in the arch repo. $ v2ray run -c /path/to/config.json

Portable Document Format

The first pdf file i made using only pdf reference manual. sample
This is a test one that i will reupload it whenever i learn something new about this document format. new: XObject test


Morris Mano assembler, in working progress. mmasm

I also recently created a python version. pasm

Snake Game

using raylib + c. snake.c

PT-Macro Patch

Ali Gholami Rudi wrote a macro for the figures in this document. The problem is when i wanted to make one side text and one side the figure, i mean what you can see in his document but in english version, so i simply add x and y axis to the ptbeg options. ptpatch

$ patch pt.tmac < ptpatch.diff

Floating Rectangle

just a test program for learning sdl2. rect